Passion & Personality

Your Unique Personality

Each of us is different – we are individuals with our own set of interests and skills. We have different personalities and approach life differently. This means that laying out a single one-size-fits-all approach simply isn’t going to work for everyone. Our businesses are (or should be) as individual as we are, especially when many of us are sole-traders. If we can align our sense of purpose and our motivations with what we do in our businesses then we can be happier and more fulfilled at work. 

Healthy Business to Suit You

The Focused Professional approach is to help you become aware of how well your business fits your personality. Together we can find ways to align the two better, leading to greater satisfaction and happiness for you. If you find yourself falling out of love with your work and feeling regularly then one cause can be a lack of alignment between who you are and what you do. Yes, we need to have a strong awareness of our clients’ needs and to focus on providing products that help them. But, we also function better when we make sure that our own needs are catered for as well. Getting the two in balance leads to a healthier, profitable way of working.

Diploma in Psychology & Personality - Certificate

Trained in Psychology & Personality

Why Your Personality Matters:


Discover ways to find your motivation and to remain motivated by understanding your personality and needs.

Enjoy Your Work More

If your business is aligned with your personality, you can experience better mental health with reduced stress.

Achieve Your Goals

Choose the right goals for you and keep yourself going until you get there with support & accountability.

Find Your Own Voice

As a photographer, your personality is key to finding your unique style as well as your business’ unique brand identity.

The World Doesn’t Need Another Imitator – Be Different, Be Unique, Be Yourself

Motivation Mastery Level 3 - Certificate of completion Joe Lenton

Trained in Motivation Mastery

Know & Value Yourself

By becoming increasingly self-aware we can positively impact how we relate to others as well as improve our own well-being. Your photography business mentor can assist you along your journey, helping you to see how your unique personality affects various aspects of your photography business. Discover why some things feel natural and others are a struggle. Set goals that really work for you as they are based on your own key motivators and not just general business aims. Our approach to coaching is to free and equip you, not restrict you to a set of “rules”.

So, if you want to get more than just money out of your work, please do get in touch for a no obligation conversation to see how Joe might be able to help you. He is passionate about helping others to express themselves creatively and minimising unhealthy stress. Joe takes a keen interest in aspects of personality study and neuroscience as well as photography and business. He holds a Diploma in Psychology & Personality in addition to his many other qualifications and has over 25 years experience teaching and mentoring individuals.

Start the journey today with our free passion & personality quizzes:

Not sure if you are an introvert or extrovert? Wondering what might motivate you most? Our quizzes can help!

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Course Certificate

Trained in Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

For a no obligation conversation please get in touch to book a call. Or, email with your questions.

Respect Equip Support
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