Frequenty Asked Questions

  • Value & Respect Each Individual
  • Provide A Safe Environment For Analysis, Reflection, Development & Exploration
  • Help People Discover Their Needs & Preferences So They Can Run Their Business To Suit Them
  • Facilitate Growth For Photographers Both As Image-Makers & As Businesses
  • Open & Honest – If We Don’t Think We Can Help Then We’ll Say So
  • We Won’t Impose Systems Or Make You Follow Set Methods
  • Draw On & Develop Established Methods While Innovating For The Future
  • Encourage Creativity, Fresh Approaches & Ethical Business Development

If you are feeling stuck or unsure what to do with your photography business then a mentor can help you work out what might be stopping you and how you could change things to progress better.

Get to know more about potential photography mentors to help you discover who you relate to and think you will get on with. Look at the methods they use and see if they connect with you. Decide if you are happy working online or want face-to-face meetings as the location of your potential mentor could then be important.

Look at their clients and professional portfolio to see if their work inspires you. It is often better to work with someone who understands your genre and the specific challenges it brings both to the actual photography and to the business side as well.

It is all about helping you with what you need, so there is no set number of sessions or duration to the relationship. You might just want a one-off to help spark off a fresh approach. Or, you might benefit from a long-term period of coaching to help you reach your goals. We can discuss this when we first meet to help you get the best value and best outcomes for you.

There can be subtle differences between each of these, but the common ground is helping you to make progress. In some areas you may require training, but for many aspects of your business it is more a case of discovering for yourself with someone helping you to discern what rings true. So, at times the teacher mode may be more prominent, while at other times the sessions will be much less directive and more along the lines of coaching, for example. We do not offer therapy or counselling. Your photography mentor is here to assist you in building your photography business with advice, teaching, a trained listening ear and respect for the individual.

We can work on photography technique, composition and retouching as well as business topics such as marketing and website building. All of this is done with the aim of helping you make your photography business suit your personality, skills and lifestyle. So, we can look at various ways for you to understand yourself better and how this impacts your image creation and business.

Yes! In many cases online meetings are the best solution. You don’t need to spend time and money travelling and can easily fit a session into your day. For those living more locally we can provide face to face sessions if preferred.

While specialising in helping professional photographers to reach their goals, we can also assist keen amateurs and those considering going professional. 

Mentoring/Coaching Packages:

Your personalised one to one training can include a combination of topics to suit your needs. Sessions are tailored to meet your requirements. We can work on aspects of business such as branding, marketing, SEO, planning, social media and website building. You may also like to have personal coaching which could help you align your personality better with your business, or motivational support to help you get going towards and start achieving your goals. Photography training and Photoshop and other image processing sessions can help to round out the package, bringing all of your skills to a higher level and enabling you to achieve and charge more.

One-Off Sessions

Online or In-Person
£ 150 1 Hour
  • Business & Marketing Advice
  • Coaching Motivation
  • Photography & Retouching

Short-Term Deal

Discounted Hourly Rate
£ 550 1-2 Months
  • 4 x 1 hour sessions
  • Once Each Week / Fortnight
  • Tailored to your needs

Long-Term Mentor

Bigger Boost for Your Business
£ 1500 6 Months
  • 12 x 1 hour sessions
  • Meet Once Each Fortnight
  • Fully Customised 1 to 1
Best Value

You can also take part in group sessions if you prefer, such as our online SEO training group workshops

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