Learn SEO For Photographers

Getting Your Photography Site Found

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is an important part of marketing a business online. It helps your website to be more visible, creating more potential leads and customers for you. Some people are worried that SEO looks complicated and are put off doing it themselves. Focused Professional will introduce you to a way of looking at SEO for photographers that helps make it more accessible and easier to do yourself.

We will show you how you can understand what SEO should really be all about instead of relying on spammy techniques that eventually end up getting penalised by the search engines. You will not just know what to do, but why it matters. 

Traffic illustration graph for SEO for photographers

Why Learn SEO?

Learning to do your own SEO is a good investment because it is a long-term marketing tool. Paying someone to perform SEO for you over months and years can get extremely expensive. Learn SEO techniques with us and save yourself a fortune. Once you build your workflow for new articles and posts around an optimised SEO system it will become second nature and help you get better results each time.

Depending on how your site has been set up, there are often several things you can do to bring quick wins as well as the usual longer term benefits. We will look at how to make sure your website loads quickly and correct simple common errors. You won’t need to wait for your web developer or other specialist to make the necessary changes. Once you have learned to do your own SEO you can get things done straight away.

Learn SEO One-to-One

Online or in-person SEO training for photographers can be a part of your mentoring package

Quick Wins

- Speed up your site - Find errors - Optimise images

Technical SEO

- Important tags - Structure - Caching

Learn "Technical SEO" Techniques

Don’t let the word “technical” put you off! Our first workshop in the series takes you through a simple way of thinking about most of the key technical aspects of SEO. We will look at why things matter and what we can do to improve them. One topic that is extremely important for photographers is how to optimise images. Too many large image files can really slow down your site. But, as photographers we clearly need to show lots of images. So, what should we do? In Part 1 we look at some simple methods that you can build into your workflow.

Technical SEO for photographers - chart showing how to use headings structure

Free Tools & Paid Tools

There is an enormous number of possible tools available to help you. In our part 1 workshop we will look at a few good free to use tools as well as some paid ones. These can help you to find errors, monitor how well your site is doing and more. The great news is that if you are short of cash then you can keep an eye on most aspects of your SEO for free! Join our workshop to find out which we recommend.

Keyword Research

- For structure & content creation

Off-Page SEO

- Backlinks - Social Media - Digital PR

Keyword Research - Planning Your Structure & Content

When creating new pages or optimising old content we need to think about what search query and intent we are targeting. In our Part 2 SEO workshop we will look at ways of approaching keyword research. We will use both free and paid tools to help us get a good idea of where to invest our time and efforts. Understanding keyword search volume is part of this, but there are other important aspects to consider too.

Off-page SEO - Getting Backlinks

Backlinks graph showing increase

How do you get backlinks? Are there good ways and bad ways? In Part 2 of our series of SEO for photographers workshops we will take a look at how we can build backlinks safely and what role they play for our sites. Your mentor will show you ethical, sustainable methods of link-building.

Free Tools

- Discover great FREE tools for SEO

Content Planning

- Plan, don't guess what to post

Online Workshops - SEO for Photographers

Our SEO course is delivered online in live workshop sessions:

  • no need to waste time travelling
  • better value for money as we don’t have to charge for room rent & refreshments
  • packed with valuable content 

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Live online workshops for photographers to learn SEO
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