Focused Professional Logo Stamp in dark blue

Focused Professional

Tools Not Rules for Photography Businesses

Focused Professional Logo Stamp in dark blue


Earning your living as a professional photographer


Creating a business that suits your personality


Building skills & artistry

Focused Professional Logo

Focus on what really motivates you and build a business that is sustainable and in tune with your well-being. Avoid burnout and follow your passion. Gain new skills and work towards qualifications and winning awards. Your experienced professional photography business mentor can help you to iron out problems and explore new avenues for your business and creativity. Joe Lenton is a freelance advertising photographer and has been teaching and coaching others for over 25 years. He is passionate about helping photographers to grow, discover their unique creative voice and find their niche as professionals.

Happy Photographers Are Better Photographers

Using a unique combination of insights from psychology, motivation research, business and experience in the photography industry Joe can help you to find a greater sense of satisfaction and fulfilment in your work. Whether you aim to be one of the very best, winning awards at international level, or want to fall back in love with what was a favourite hobby, Focused  Professional can provide coaching and encouragement to help you to make progress.

If you feel that you need help, please do get in touch. Don’t worry if you’re not sure if we’re a good fit as Joe knows a network of photography mentors each with their own specialisms and can help you find the right person for your needs. Focused Professional has a strong background in commercial photography and training all levels of photographers in photography, aspects of business and post-production.

Our podcast is an essential resource for professional photographers. We feature some of the world’s finest photography professionals who share their stories, tips and more in exclusive interviews. Big names from across the genres give us a glimpse into their world. They may have won many awards and be well-known in the wider community, but they are still human like the rest of us. Listen as they open up about their motivation, struggles with imposter syndrome and the changes they’ve had to implement to keep their businesses afloat. 

Focused Professional – Mentoring, Coaching & Training

Raising Standards in Professional Photography

Business, Passion, Photography
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